The seasons project

In the activity below the aim is to create a need to learn and use language. The tasks will generate their own language and create an opportunity for language acquisition.The project is organized in the following way:
Pre-task activity : an introduction to  the topic  “SEASONS”
Task cycle:
*   Task 1 Each student draws 4 different pictures  representing the impact of the four seasons to them.
*   Task 2 A board for each season includes all different perspectives.
*   Task 3 Report ideas (Language Focus and Feedback), add  perspectives, share information or experiences
                               -“I always make a snowman with my best friend George.”
                               - “My family and I usually go to the beach and have fun. Sometimes we go to my grandparents’ village.”
                              - “We never go to the sea, I don’t know how to swim.”

A balance is extremely important to be kept between fluency, which is what the task provides, and accuracy, which is provided by task feedback.